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John specializes in high speed optical and electrical test and measurement, design of test systems for passive and active devices, high-speed metrology and measurement systems, optical switching and modulation, optical test methodology, MATLAB scripting and automation, signal integrity, and applied electromagnetics.

As a graduate student at Iowa State University, he has worked closely with the High Speed Systems Engineering team to learn about electromagnetism and optical systems. As a result, he was able to contribute original work to the Journal of Applied Physics, IEEE Magnetics Letters, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, American Society for Engineering Education, and Frontiers in Education. Additionally, he has had the unique opportunity of being accepted into the IEEE Magnetics Society Summer School held in Chennai, India.

John also has been able to identify and solve problems in industry. At Minnetronix he has been a part of the design and development of medical products of a wide variety. At a recent internship as a Doctorate Technical Intern at Rockwell Collins in the Advanced Technology Center, the primary projects worked on include application development utilizing Stimulated Brillouin Scattering, advanced radio tuners for electronic warfare, and optical links for precision guided munition testing. Finally, he had the opportunity to contribute to whitepapers and proposals, one of which being granted a seven-figure award.