We just completed our two-day Climate Tech Summit (Oct. 25-26), which included 22 panels and fireside chats with leading founders, VCs, researchers, and policy experts.
We had a great turnout, with more 6,700 people registered this year, from 88 countries. We recognize that the event was not available during waking hours in much of the world, so we wanted to make the sessions available on-demand right at the show’s conclusion.
The full recordings are here for Day 1 and Day 2. You can find each session listed with its corresponding YouTube link below. They are listed in order of appearance.
Here are some SOSV links that might be helpful:
- SOSV’s HAX, our hard tech startup development program
- SOSV’s IndieBio, our human and planetary health startup development program
- SOSV’s main site and the SOSV Climate Tech 100
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